
Showing posts from September, 2019

Tips For Staying on Track This Holiday Season!

With the holidays coming up, it is easy to lose focus on your goals when spending time with loved ones. Eating “good” is not about adhering to a strict diet, It’s about balance. But we all know the holidays are coming up and it’s hard when all of the food seems to tempt you way past the point of no return. In this blog post, I will give some strategies and tips that will help you stay on track this holiday season!  1. Offer to host   Offer to have the holiday party at your place. By doing this you are giving yourself the opportunity to control the menu. You can integrate healthier options into the menu that are still tasty yet allows you to stay within your dietary plan.   2. Avoid Drinking your Calories Now I’m not here to tell y’all not to drink any alcoholic beverages, but they are oftentimes filled with sugars and empty calories. This often tends to people taking in more calories than planned because it is often an afterthought. ...

Tips For Eating Healthy While Out and About

One of the hardest things I’ve found while trying to eat healthy was what to get while eating out at restaurants. It’s hard to know if what you are eating at a restaurant is free of butters, fats and other “unhealthy” ingredients. It is hard of avoiding eating out because of the ease and social environment that eating at a restaurant provides. But eating out at restaurants can still be healthy and totally enjoyable! These few tricks will help you to make healthy choices while eating out.  KEY WORDS FOR EATING HEALTHY Certain words on a menu often mean lots of butter or fats. Here is a list of these key words to avoid while eating at a restaurant: ·       Pan-fried ·       Breaded ·       Creamed ·       Crispy To avoid these easy restaurant mistakes try looking for these key words: ·       Grilled ·    ...

Welcome to Carina's Cocina

We all need food. It’s a necessity for life. Since we all need it, why not turn our necessity into a healthy habit that we still enjoy eating? My name is Carina and I’m starting this blog to showcase all of the wonderfully healthy, yet still delicious food options out there. This blog won’t focus only on home cooking, but finding healthy alternatives while you are out and about as well. Thank you for joining me on this journey and LET’S GET COOKIN!

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