Tips For Staying on Track This Holiday Season!

With the holidays coming up, it is easy to lose focus on your goals when spending time with loved ones. Eating “good” is not about adhering to a strict diet, It’s about balance. But we all know the holidays are coming up and it’s hard when all of the food seems to tempt you way past the point of no return. In this blog post, I will give some strategies and tips that will help you stay on track this holiday season!  1. Offer to host   Offer to have the holiday party at your place. By doing this you are giving yourself the opportunity to control the menu. You can integrate healthier options into the menu that are still tasty yet allows you to stay within your dietary plan.   2. Avoid Drinking your Calories Now I’m not here to tell y’all not to drink any alcoholic beverages, but they are oftentimes filled with sugars and empty calories. This often tends to people taking in more calories than planned because it is often an afterthought. ...

Quick Cold Fighting Fruit Salad!

Hello readers! It’s fall time in Texas (or is it really winter? Who knows with this Texas weather!), and allergy season is upon us! To overcome this, I always try to get my daily dose of vitamins to keep my body in top virus fighting mode! The easiest way for me is to eat my vitamins! I am a sugar fanatic, so any type of sweets satisfies me. So, I like to make a fruit salad filled with vitamin c and antioxidants! Follow along while I make this simple fruit salad that is enjoyable breakfast, lunch or dinner!

To Start 

Gather your ingredients. I like to use fruit that I know are packed with cold-fighting properties!

1 apple (I like to use Honey Crisp) Filled with antioxidants)
1 Cup blueberries (Antioxidants)
2 Oranges (Vitamin C)
1 Cup Raspberries (Antioxidants)
1 ½ cups strawberries (Vitamin C, Vitamin B9, Potassium, Antioxidants)
1-2 Limes (for fruit salad dressing) (high in antioxidants)
2 Tbs Honey (adds a touch of sweetness, and is rich in antioxidants in comparison to sugar)

To Make 

Cut all of your fruits into bite-sized pieces. No need to cut raspberries or blueberries.




Add all to a bowl and gently mix.

Honey-Lime fruit salad dressing.

Add 2 Tbs of honey to the juice of 1-2 limes and mix (I found the honey mixes better with the lime juice if you pop it in the microwave for 10-15 seconds).

Add dressing to fruit salad and mix.

Keep chilled to maximize fruit longevity.

To further quick cold season in the bum, I like to add this fruit salad to my morning Greek Yogurt, which is filled with probiotics and protein! To see some of the benefits of Greek yogurt vs. regular yogurt, look here.

I hope you enjoy this cold-fighting fruit salad! Feel free to leave a comment with what you would like to see next!


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